
The offical blog of the SeMutans.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


I'm not ready to let this dream go.
The SeMutans were built on a vision of playing live at festivals, Clubs, Parties and ultimately an earthdance event.

Gary and I put in coutless hours writing, mixing, making some sort of sense of incredibly rough but diamond ideas. Summer 2006 and my boat (amongst other things) put paid to our regular thursday and sunday rehearsals.

I'm sorry, but unsurpised given what Gary was going through at athe time, that it ended.

It seems like such a waste though.

We had a cracking live set all set up and we had spent hour and hours taking songs that were just a rough idea and tuning them for live work.

We recorded a fantastic album that I just finshed listening to for the nth time. - It's still great BTW :-)

I should mention Gary is now doing amazing work in a band called Victorious which he was in before the demise.
It's Shit hot and can be found in MySpace.
Really tight Iron Maiden-esque stuff.
Hats off to all of you. :-)

It's still winter and the next festival season will soon be upon us.
I'm now playing drums in a band with gordon AKA veestar and I Will play our live prepped tracks under the semutans banner next year.

This has been my dream since 1995. It was an honour to work with gary and his legacy will permeate any future endevours.

He will be sadly missed.

Nevertheless, SeMutans Music is too good and too well developed to just die.
It will be heard in the forests through illegal sound systems. It will be heard in squats up and down the country. It will be heard in weird free festivals in remote scottish locations.
It will be amazing and transporting and memorable and it will be a testiment to all the love and hard work put in to the project by all of us.

And so it shall be.

Perhaps Gary will be available for a live set or two next summer.
Here's hoping...

Don't Stop Dreaming.
Updates soon.
